Embassy of Nigeria in Manama
Place: Manama - Bahrain
The Nigerian Embassy in
Diplomatic representation of Nigeria.
Information on consular services, adress details and contact information of the
Nigerian Embassy in Manama. Visa
applications, passports, consular
statements, legalisation of documents and
Nigerian Embassy |
of Nigeria |
Nigerian Embassy in Manama:
Telephone Nigerian Embassy in
Embassy in Manama: |
Embassy in Manama: |
Additional Information Nigerian
Embassy in Manama:
of Nigeria
Foreign Embassies are
bilateral missions abroad. Foreign
Embassies promote foreign interests
abroad. Embassies also play an important
role in development, cultural affairs
and contacts with the press. The
activities of all foreign embassies are
coordinated from their Ministries of
Foreign Affairs. Often, while the terms
embassy and consulate are used together,
however, the two are very different.
An Embassy is the larger
and more important of the two and is
described as a permanent diplomatic
mission which is generally located in a
country's capital city. The embassy is
responsible for representing the home
country abroad and handling major
diplomatic issues, such as preserving
the rights of citizens abroad. The
ambassador is the highest official in
the embassy and acting as the chief
diplomat and spokesperson for the home
government. Ambassadors are typically
appointed by the highest level of the
home government.
About Us: We provide
general information about the Nigerian
Consulate in
Manama. However, we have no
affiliation with the Nigerian Consulate or
the Nigerian Consulate visa department in
Consular Assistance - The
consular department of the Nigerian
Consulate offers consular services to
Nigerian citizens and certifies signatures and
document legalisation.
Travel documents
- Only Nigerian citizens can get the
Nigerian passport application form and
procedures to submit an application for
Nigerian passport or Nigerian travel documents by
contacting the Nigerian Consulate in Manama.
Hotels and places to stay in the neighborhood of the
Nigerian Embassy in Manama
Nigerian Embassy
- Manama |
Here you will find information about the
Nigerian Embassies and consulates abroad.
Nigeria has more than 150 Embassies, consulates
and permanent representations abroad. There
are also High Commissions with
limited powers. |